Source code for html5_appcache.appcache_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import string
import time
from datetime import datetime
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html import document_fromstring

from django.template import RequestContext
from django.template.loader import render_to_string

from html5_appcache.settings import DJANGOCMS_2_3, get_setting, DJANGO_1_4
from html5_appcache.cache import (get_cached_value, set_cached_value,
                                  is_manifest_clean, reset_cache_manifest,
                                  set_cached_manifest, get_cached_manifest)
from html5_appcache.utils import is_external_url

[docs]class BaseAppCache(object): """ Base class for Appcache classes """ manager = None def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def _add_language(self, request, urls): """ For django CMS 2.3 we need to manually add language code to the urls returned by the appcache classes :return: list of urls """ if DJANGOCMS_2_3: new_urls = [] for url in urls: if not is_external_url(url, request): new_urls.append("/%s%s" % (request.LANGUAGE_CODE, url)) else: new_urls.append(url) return new_urls else: return urls
[docs] def _get_assets(self, request): """ override this method to customize asset (images, files, javascripts, stylesheets) urls. :return: list of urls """ return []
[docs] def _get_urls(self, request): """ override this method to define cached urls. If you use a sitemap-enabled application, it's not normally necessary. :return: list of urls """ return []
[docs] def _get_network(self, request): """ override this method to define network (non-cached) urls. :return: list of urls """ return []
[docs] def _get_fallback(self, request): """ override this method to define fallback urls. :return: dictionary mapping original urls to fallback """ return {}
[docs] def get_assets(self, request): """ Public method that return assets urls. Do not override, use :py:meth:`_get_assets` :return: list of urls """ return self._add_language(request, self._get_assets(request))
[docs] def get_urls(self, request): """ Public method that return cached urls. Do not override, use :py:meth:`_get_urls` :return: list of urls """ return self._add_language(request, self._get_urls(request))
[docs] def get_network(self, request): """ Public method that return network (non-cached) urls. Do not override, use :py:meth:`_get_network` :return: list of urls """ return self._add_language(request, self._get_network(request))
[docs] def get_fallback(self, request): """ Public method that return fallback urls. Do not override, use :py:meth:`_get_fallback` :return: dictionary mapping original urls to fallback """ return self._get_fallback(request)
[docs] def signal_connector(self, instance, **kwargs): """ You **must** override this method in you ``AppCache`` class. """ return NotImplementedError("signal_connector must be implemented for appcache to work")
[docs]class AppCacheManager(object): """ Main class. """ _cached = set() _network = set() _fallback = {} _external_appcaches = [] request = None _template = None context = {} def __init__(self): self.registry = [] def register(self, instance): self.registry.append(instance) def clear(self): self.registry = []
[docs] def setup_registry(self): """ Setup the manager bootstrapping the appcache instances """ self._setup_signals()
[docs] def _setup_signals(self): """ Loads the signals for all the models declared in the appcache instances """ from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete for appcache in self.registry: appcache.manager = self for model in appcache.models: post_save.connect(appcache.signal_connector, sender=model) post_delete.connect(appcache.signal_connector, sender=model)
[docs] def setup(self, request, template): """ Setup is required wen updating the manifest file """ self.request = request self.language = getattr(self.request, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', "").split("-")[0] self._network = set() self._cached = set() self._fallback = {} self._template = template self._external_appcaches = {'cached': [], 'network': [], 'fallback': {}} self.context = {}
[docs] def get_version_timestamp(self): """ Create the timestamp according to the current time. It tries to make it unique even for very short timeframes """ timestamp = get_cached_value("timestamp") if not timestamp: timestamp = int(time.time()*100)*10000 + datetime.utcnow().microsecond set_cached_value("timestamp", timestamp) return timestamp
[docs] def reset_manifest(self): """ Clear the cache (if clean) """ if is_manifest_clean(): reset_cache_manifest()
[docs] def get_urls(self): """ Retrieves the urls from the sitemap and :meth:`BaseAppCache.get_urls` of the appcache instances """ urls = set() if get_setting('USE_SITEMAP'): urls.update(self._get_sitemap()) for appcache in self.registry: urls.update(appcache.get_urls(self.request)) return urls
[docs] def get_cached_urls(self): """ Create the cached urls set. Merges the assets, the urls, removes the network urls and the external urls See :meth:`BaseAppCache.get_urls`, :meth:`get_network_urls` """ if not self._cached: self._cached = self.get_urls() for appcache in self.registry: self._cached.update(appcache.get_assets(self.request)) self._cached.update(self._external_appcaches['cached']) self._cached.difference_update(self.get_network_urls()) if get_setting('DISCARD_EXTERNAL'): self._cached = filter(lambda url: not is_external_url( url, self.request), self._cached) if get_setting('EXCLUDE_URL'): new = set() for url in self._cached: if not any(url.startswith(excluded) for excluded in get_setting('EXCLUDE_URL')): new.add(url) self._cached = new return self._cached
[docs] def get_network_urls(self): """ Create the network urls set. ``*`` (wildcard entry) is added when :setting:`ADD_WILDCARD` is True (default) """ if not self._network: for appcache in self.registry: self._network.update(appcache.get_network(self.request)) self._network.update(self._external_appcaches['network']) self._network.update(get_setting('NETWORK_URL')) if get_setting("ADD_WILDCARD"): self._network.update(("*",)) return self._network
[docs] def get_fallback_urls(self): """ Creates the fallback urls set. """ if not self._fallback: for appcache in self.registry: self._fallback.update(appcache.get_fallback(self.request)) self._fallback.update(self._external_appcaches['fallback']) self._fallback.update(get_setting('FALLBACK_URL')) return self._fallback
[docs] def add_appcache(self, appcache): """ Adds the externally retrieved urls to the internal set. `appcache` is a dictionary with `cached`, `network`, `fallback` keys """ self._external_appcaches.update(appcache)
[docs] def _get_sitemap(self): """ Pretty ugly method that fetches the current sitemap and parses it to retrieve the list of available urls """ from django.contrib.sites.models import get_current_site from django.test import Client from django.contrib.sitemaps.views import sitemap def walk_sitemap(urlset, doc): """ Nested function for convenience. Recursively scans the sitemap to retrieve the urls """ if isinstance(doc.tag, basestring): tag = etree.QName(doc.tag) if tag.localname == "loc": urlset.append(doc.text) for node in doc: urlset = walk_sitemap(urlset, node) return urlset req_protocol = 'https' if self.request.is_secure() else 'http' req_site = get_current_site(self.request) client = Client() path = get_setting('SITEMAP_URL') if DJANGO_1_4 and not DJANGOCMS_2_3: path = "/%s%s" % (self.language, get_setting('SITEMAP_URL')) sitemap = client.get(path, follow=True, LANGUAGE_CODE=self.language) local_urls = [] lxdoc = document_fromstring(sitemap.content) walk_sitemap(local_urls, lxdoc) if get_setting('DJANGOCMS_2_3'): lang_fix = "/" + self.language else: lang_fix = "" return map(lambda x: string.replace( x,"%s://%s" % (req_protocol, req_site), lang_fix), local_urls)
[docs] def _fetch_url(self, client, url): """ Scrape a single URL and fetches assets """ if not is_external_url(url): response = client.get(url, data={"appcache_analyze":1}, LANGUAGE_CODE=self.language) if response.status_code == 200: self.add_appcache(response.appcache) elif response.status_code == 302: self._fetch_url(client, response['Location']) else: print("Unrecognized code %s for %s\n" % ( response.status_code, url))
[docs] def extract_urls(self): """ Run through the cached urls and fetches assets by scraping the pages """ from django.test import Client client = Client() urls = self.get_urls() for starting_url in urls: self._fetch_url(client, starting_url)
[docs] def get_manifest(self, update=False): """ Either get the manifest file out of the cache or render it and save in the cache. """ if not is_manifest_clean() and update: self.context = { 'version': self.get_version_timestamp(), 'date': datetime.fromtimestamp(self.get_version_timestamp()/1000000).isoformat(), 'cached_urls': sorted(self.get_cached_urls()), 'network_urls': sorted(self.get_network_urls()), 'fallback_urls': self.get_fallback_urls(), } context = RequestContext(self.request, self.context) manifest = render_to_string(self._template, context_instance=context) set_cached_manifest(manifest) return manifest else: return get_cached_manifest()