Source code for html5_appcache.middleware.appcache_middleware

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from lxml import etree
from lxml.html.html5parser import document_fromstring

[docs]class AppCacheAssetsFromResponse(object): """ Extracts appcache assets from the rendered template. Currently supports the following tags: * img: extracts the data in the ``src`` attribute * script: extracts the data in the ``src`` attribute * link: extracts the data in the ``href`` attribute if ``rel==stylesheet`` It supports custom data-attribute to exclude assets from caching: * `data-appcache='noappcache'`: the referenced url is added to the NETWORK section * `data-appcache='appcache'`: the referenced url is added to the CACHE section * `data-appcache-fallback=URL`: the referenced url is added in the FALLBACK section, with *URL* as a target """ _cached = set() _network = set() _fallback = {}
[docs] def handle_img(self, tag, attrib): """ Extract assets from the img tag """ if 'src' in attrib: if 'data-appcache' in attrib and attrib['data-appcache'] == 'noappcache': self._network.add(attrib['src']) elif 'data-appcache-fallback' in attrib: self._fallback[attrib['src']] = attrib['data-appcache-fallback'] else: self._cached.add(attrib['src'])
[docs] def handle_script(self, tag, attrib): """ Extract assets from the script tag """ if 'src' in attrib: if 'data-appcache' in attrib and attrib['data-appcache'] == 'noappcache': self._network.add(attrib['src']) elif 'data-appcache-fallback' in attrib: self._fallback[attrib['src']] = attrib['data-appcache-fallback'] else: self._cached.add(attrib['src'])
[docs] def handle_a(self, tag, attrib): """ Extract assets from the a tag (only for opt-in link) """ if ('href' in attrib and 'data-appcache' in attrib and attrib['data-appcache'] == 'appcache'): self._cached.add(attrib['href'])
[docs] def walk_tree(self, tree): """ Walk the DOM tree """ if isinstance(tree.tag, basestring): tag = etree.QName(tree.tag) if tag.localname == "img": self.handle_img(tag.localname, tree.attrib) if tag.localname == "script": self.handle_script(tag.localname, tree.attrib) if tag.localname == "link": self.handle_link(tag.localname, tree.attrib) if tag.localname == "a": self.handle_a(tag.localname, tree.attrib) for node in tree: self.walk_tree(node)
[docs] def process_response(self, request, response): """ This method is called only if ``appcache_analyze`` parameter is attached to the querystring, to avoid overhead during normal navigation """ if (response['Content-Type'].find("text/html")>-1 and request.GET.get("appcache_analyze", False)): lxdoc = document_fromstring(response.content) self.walk_tree(lxdoc) response.appcache = {'cached': self._cached, 'fallback': self._fallback, 'network': self._network} return response